Yoga Nidra
Awaken your inner peace
Yoga Nidra is a tantric meditative form of yoga. It’s a psychic meditative sleep practice, however the idea is that the practitioner does NOT sleep. At the beginning, many students fall asleep because of the huge need for the body to rest and because many bodies are so exhausted. Overtime the process of staying awake becomes a lot easier.
How to practice it:
The resolve to practice Yoga Nidra appears very simple. There are two instructions;
Listen to the voice of the instructor without any manipulation or analysis.
Keep the body completely still.
However, in this modern and fast paced world that we live in, we have spiralled into a state of constant doer-ship. The average human being finds it extremely difficult to switch off and come back to a natural, relaxed state.
You will be guided very judiciously into this natural process of deep rest and relaxation in a way that is calming for both your body and your mind.
Various studies around the world have proven the health benefits of Yoga Nidra
Increasing memory function
There are two factors involved in the process of memory: absorb information & recall information. Nidra establishes a state of maximum receptivity in the subconscious mind. At the same time there is a simultaneous state of awareness.
Psychosomatic problems often disappear (headaches, stomach cramps, anxiety, asthma, peptic ulcers)
-stress related conditions such as coronary disease, hypertension and arthritis are managed effectively
-proven to be an effective adjunct to traditional forms of psychiatric treatment. The practitioner becomes his/her own psychotherapist.
-insomnia: it is a positive form of treatment for insomnia, resulting in a decreased amount of time it takes to fall asleep
-alcohol and or drug use; it promotes a general feeling of wellbeing and in turn it curbs excessive consumption of drug and alcohol use.
Yoga Nidra plays a major role in reducing deep seated conflicts and tensions within the body.
-Personality development: more self-assured, more creative; the practitioner becomes able to express him/herself more easily.
Hypertension and it’s complications are the leading cause of death in our modern society. The prolonged rise in blood pressure over many years leads to widespread damage of the heart, eyes, blood vessels, brain and kidneys.
Numerous clinical studies have proven that Yoga Nidra succeeds in lowering the levels of blood pressure in hypertensive patients.
Findings on stress: Yoga Nidra reflects an integrated response in the body, resulting in decreased sympathetic (excitably) nervous activity and increased parasympathetic (relaxing) function.
‘Many previously tense, alienated and frustrated people report that by modifying their lifestyle to include daily Yoga Nidra, they have totally transformed their outlook, and greatly enhanced their appreciation and experience of life.’
Cardiovascular diseases
The practice of Yoga Nidra induces a state of deep mental peace and emotional relaxation. This helps the workload on the cardiovascular muscles to reduce, as well as reducing the heart rate and blood pressure.
The practice of Yoga Nidra helps the student to successfully withstand the stresses of modern life that are so prominent in the successful and ‘fast paced’ world that we live in today. Yoga Nidra is an effective and preventive technique in the management of heart disease and levels of cardiac impairment.