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Female practicing yoga in the sun


Dyoga offers yoga types for various needs and levels of fitness

Awaken Your Potential

Join Us on the Mat for Mindful Living

Female outside on the grouns in a yin yoga pose

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a tantric form. Poses are in a seated and lying down position. Poses are held for 1.5 to 5 mins, releasing the fascia around the muscles, preventing injury to the body. This is perfect for those who want to slow down and add a slow pace practice to their lives, or those who train frequently and need to loosen their body and minds.


Wednesdays: 7:00 PM

(In-studio only)

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is relaxation for the whole body and mind. You simply lie down for the session and be guided through a deep stage of relaxation. This is perfect for those who lead busy lives and/or find it difficult to switch off.


Tuesday: 7:00 PM

(Online attendance available)

Female on the floor in a yoga studio in a yoga nidra pose
Fit male practicing yoga in a studio

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga is a dynamic and fast paced practice. It follows a traditional set sequence. It provides an opportunity to gain strength, increase flexibility and enhance mobility. Also importantly learn the art of correct breathing. Learn how to make shapes with your body that you never dreamt of! Ideal for those who want to challenge the body and mind. 


Monday: 6:00 PM

Wednesday: 6:30 AM

(Online attendance available)


The 4th limb (part) of yoga. Learn how to breathe correctly, clean the internal systems of your body and experience the powerful effects of Pranayama. Proven to eliminate health problems and bring the body back to vitality. 


Monday: 6:30 AM

(Online attendance available)

Female practicing pranayama yoga breathing techniques
A group of people talking at a outside yoga studio

Community Yoga

Join a friendly yoga community for yoga classes both indoors and outdoors. Practice a dynamic Vinyassa style Yoga class and stay afterwards to chat to other beautiful souls. 

The perfect Sunday morning!


Sunday: 9:00AM - 10AM

(Indoors & outdoors)

CPD Workshops

A session centred on the technique of breathing and deep relaxation for busy workers. 


(In-studio only)

Femal yog ainstructor personally training a female

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